Sunday, December 8, 2013

Three Peachy Chickens

Organic peaches, a gifty from the farm at Cobbitty. I sliced them all up this morning and threw them into the slow-cooker with a goodly splash of Irish Whiskey. Doris, Doreen and Augusta had a terrific feed on the scrappy left-over bits, helped out here and there by Rosie the Wonderdog.

I don't usually eat ice-cream, but I just had to have a wee bit this evening, scooped into a bowl of olde fashioned peaches; the creamy ice-cream melting into a beguiling juicy soup. Delicious. It is surely the best taste of Summer, don't you think?

The best end to a happy day. :)


  1. I'm now contemplating fresh, ripe peaches in the middlle of winter ... and my mouth is most definitely watering ;)

    1. Oh Annie, they were absolutely luscious! Nothing like home-grown old fashioned peaches. Wishing it was mid-winter here - forty degrees here today, and heading for a string of heatwave days ... What I wouldn't give for snow!


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